View Full Version : Wierd debug signals received while aborting QHttp/QFtp

27th May 2009, 01:49
Hi, in my program, one of the functions is to download a file using QHttp and to upload one to an FTP server using QFtp.

Sometimes a firewall prevents this from being achieved. Or, in another case, I randomly changed the FTP port to 20. This caused the connection to lag indefinitely, until I had to just exit out/restart my program.

Therefore, it's necessary to create a QTimer of, say 30 seconds, to abort any processes.

However, in creating one, the debugger seems to receive "signals" whenever I use methods such as QHttp::abort().

Any help would be much appreciated.


27th May 2009, 11:46
This happens on deleteLater() too. :(

27th May 2009, 21:03

Anyone? :eek:

27th May 2009, 23:41
I can avoid using deleteLater(), but because new QHttp/QFtp objects are created every time, my program takes up more and more RAM.

Any nudges on how I can delete those objects without my program crashing would be appreciated. :o


29th May 2009, 11:41

Is this a bug then? :confused:

30th May 2009, 01:02
Ok, I guess this was a bug with the API, but I resolved this issue by reusing the same QFtp/QHttp objects instead of deleting them each time. W00t! :D
