View Full Version : Send Qt Signals when a unix domain socket is selectable

27th May 2009, 17:20
Hello, my question is:
How to connect Unix domain socket to Qt slot so that when the socket is SELECTABLE a Qt signal is sent?

I had already have a look to QLocalSocket and QSocketNotifier, but without any success.

Any hints?



27th May 2009, 21:03
QSocketNotifier is what you want. Look at it again :)

27th May 2009, 21:58
The point is that I wrote the code, I connected the signal QSocketNotifier::activated to my slot but it didn't worked at all..
I was not able to get those signals :(

I read about using unix signals and those are using a trick.. Do I need to use a trick for it too or what?

Thanks in advance


27th May 2009, 23:02
Can we see the code you wrote?

By the way, you can also use QLocalSocket and expect readyRead() to be emitted when data becomes available.

28th May 2009, 11:28
Finally I found a solution using QLocalSocket and connectToServer.
I used netstat -na to get the server name in my case /dev/shm/afed.

28th May 2009, 18:20
unfortunately looks like that it doesn't work as expected :(

28th May 2009, 18:32
What exactly is wrong?

29th May 2009, 08:58
This morning I understood what was wrong, basically nothing in the code but just in my mind, I waited for readyRead signals when the reading buffer was already read by a C function in an external lib...
then everything is fine now.

Then just for helping other people who are looking for reading unix socket domain with Qt... I write here what I learned..
(Please comment this if something is wrong)

First of all, to read Unix domain socket with Qt we have to use QLocalSocket.

Unix domain socket have a path. You need that path to connect your local socket to the server.
I got that server path using netstat -na
In the netstat output, this line has been useful for me:
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 23611 /dev/shm/mydaemon

Then I wrote this in my QObject derived class:

Socket = new QLocalSocket(this);
Socket->connectToServer("/dev/shm/mydaemon", QIODevice::ReadOnly);
connect(Socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readSocket()));

In my case I just need to read the output. I don't have to send anything so I used the option QIODevice::ReadOnly.

The server use send() to send data (in structure :/ ) then this is the code needed to read those data

void myClass::readSocket(){

QByteArray ba;
ba = Socket->readAll();

if (ba.isEmpty()){
qDebug() << "read buffer" << ba.toHex() << ba.size();
myStruct *resp;
//Assuming valid this casting in the same machine.
resp = reinterpret_cast <myStruct*>(ba.data());

Then thanks for the help and if someone want to comment this code, please do it, in order to leave some info to other people interested in this topic.

