View Full Version : Japanese support in QT Embedded Linux

28th May 2009, 15:16
Hi all,

I'm using QT Linux Embedded and I have problem with internationalization on my target.

I'm developping an application which supports English, Chinese and Japanese languages.

In main I install the translator and set the font

QFont appFont("DejaVu Sans");

qDebug() << "Font " << qApp->font().family();

QTranslator translator;

My app works fine on my PC and it shows the translated messages (i use trUtf8).

Then I crosscompile and port my application on my target. Here I see blank messages instead of Japanese string.

I'm using the DejaVu Sans font which is installed on /usr/local/Trolltech/QtEmbedded-4.5.0-arm/lib/fonts on the target.

The problem is related to font? Does DejaVu Sans font support Japanese language?

in the internationalization doc http://doc.qtsoftware.com/4.5/i18n.html I read

Many Unix distributions contain only partial support for some locales. For example, if you have a
/usr/share/locale/ja_JP.EUC directory, this does not necessarily mean you can display Japanese text;
you also need JIS encoded fonts (or Unicode fonts), and the /usr/share/locale/ja_JP.EUC directory needs
to be complete. For best results, use complete locales from your system vendor.

How font and locale are related ? is there more documentation about locale and fonts?
How can I obtain japanese support for font?

Thank you in advance
