View Full Version : QFtp, QUrlInfo troubles

9th May 2006, 10:05
I'm have some troubles with using this classes(QFtp and QUrlInfo) in Qt4 (Qt 4.1.0)
In class QFtp in method parseDir...
Not truly transform of ftp string buffer...for example strings

-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 4 May 09 08:18 1 1 1.1

-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 4 May 09 08:18 1 1 1.1
will be transform to equivalent string:

-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 4 May 09 08:18 1 1 1.1
And as result - we will be lost info about file "1__1_1.1" (here '_' - space)
Problem here (qftp.cpp, str. 436):
QStringList lst = buffer.simplified().split(" ");

Not correct big(>3.2 Gb) size write to QUrlInfo. problem here(qftp.cpp, str. 517)
Not correct:
M.b. correct:

Not correct date write to QUrlInfo. problem here(qftp.cpp, str. 523)
Not correct:
lst[5] = lst[5].toUpper();
M.b. correct if comment this string

Other troubles that I see - it's problem in file size processing when downloading file... Not correct if file size >3.2 Gb (int)

It's a bug? Where I can address with it?

PS: sorry for my English..my native language is Russian ;)

9th May 2006, 10:16
It's a bug? Where I can address with it?
I took a quick look at 4.1.2 sources and same problems exist. I suggest you to inform Trolltech about these issues.
Open a new task in Task Tracker (http://www.trolltech.com/developer/task-tracker).

9th May 2006, 11:49
I took a quick look at 4.1.2 sources and same problems exist. I suggest you to inform Trolltech about these issues.
Open a new task in Task Tracker (http://www.trolltech.com/developer/task-tracker).
Ok..but when I go by link I given f error on site :)
'charmap' codec can't encode characters in position 0-4: character maps to
2006/05/09 12:47:38.817 GMT+2
Only I have this error?

PS: sorry for my English..my native language is Russian ;)