View Full Version : SSL Problem

3rd June 2009, 01:27
I compiled Qt with OpenSSL, it works fine on most https sites , but when I tried to visit sites such as
I get "SSL Handshake Failed" error.

I thought it's my program's problem, so I used the browser comes with Qt Demo, it's the same thing.

Any idea how to fix it? Thank you in advance.

Qt version: 4.5.1
OpenSSL version:

3rd June 2009, 14:43
I think I found the reason for handshake failure.

The default "QSslConfiguration::setPeerVerifyMode" in Qt is "AutoVerifyPeer". And those sites that are giving me problems don't have identity information in their certificate. Therefore the verification fails.

I guess the question now is how do I modify QSslConfiguration of a QNetworkAccessManager in QWebPage?

16th June 2009, 10:46

Did you solve this issue. Im also facing the similar problem. Kindly post how do you set the sslconfiguration of qwebview


22nd January 2010, 20:20
Hi, all

I am writting some program which should connect to site using SSL. The site has right (not self-signed) certificate. But there are two problems (or, may be, one). The CA certificate is not wide-known certificate (in other words, the site uses chain certificate), and the site doesn't send them together. Indeed it is not a problem for browsers (they get site certificate with X509v3 Key Usage: Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, extract the Authority Information Access, and after that download the CA certificate with X509v3 Key Usage: Certificate Sign, CRL Sign).

So, the question: how can I get the same behaviour from my program? Whether I should use QSslSocket or I can manage the task using QNetworkAccessManager?

I tried to get the certificate list in sslError function, but I can not see the site certificate there, only root CA's from my host computer.

3rd September 2010, 04:28
Hi, rolad8454

I face the same problem like you, have you got the solution for modify QSslConfiguration ..?

I tried call the function QSslConfiguration::setPeerVerifyMode(QSslSocket::V erifyNone), then I get the mode value, only to find the Mode is still the default value AutoVerifyPeer. It seems that the setPeerVerifyMode don't have any effect.

I think I found the reason for handshake failure.

The default "QSslConfiguration::setPeerVerifyMode" in Qt is "AutoVerifyPeer". And those sites that are giving me problems don't have identity information in their certificate. Therefore the verification fails.

I guess the question now is how do I modify QSslConfiguration of a QNetworkAccessManager in QWebPage?

3rd September 2010, 06:05
It's been a long time since I fixed that problem. I'm not quite sure exactly what I did. But I'm going to give it a try.

1. Make sure you build Qt with OpenSSL correctly following my instructions here:

2. I think what I did was reimplemented createRequest function in QNetworkAccess Manager

header file:

class myNetworkAccessManager : public QNetworkAccessManager

myNetworkAccessManager ();

QNetworkReply * createRequest ( Operation op, const QNetworkRequest & req, QIODevice * outgoingData = 0 );

source file:

myNetworkAccessManager ::myNetworkAccessManager (){

QNetworkReply * myNetworkAccessManager ::createRequest ( Operation op, const QNetworkRequest & req, QIODevice * outgoingData ){
QSslConfiguration config = req.sslConfiguration();
QNetworkRequest request(req);
return QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest(op, request, outgoingData);

Hope this helps. Good luck!

4th February 2011, 23:10
This is what works for me.

class SslNetworkAccessManager : public QNetworkAccessManager

QNetworkReply* createRequest(Operation op, const QNetworkRequest & req, QIODevice * outgoingData = 0);

And the implementation:


QNetworkReply* SslNetworkAccessManager::createRequest(Operation op, const QNetworkRequest& req, QIODevice* outgoingData)
QNetworkReply* reply = QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest(op, req, outgoingData);
return reply;

26th March 2012, 11:04
Hi All,

I am new in Qt programming, i need your help to resolve an issue.
I want to display certificate information of secured website in "Qt demo brower", for this i write code to display but i am unable to get "defaultCaCertificate", "caCertificate" and "peerCertificateChain".
Do we need any type of initilization before using these APIs ?

Every time when i call below code it retrive 0 items in dCaCertificates.
QList<QSslCertificate> dCaCertificates = QSslSocket::defaultCaCertificates();

But i am able to get system certificates using below code:
QList<QSslCertificate> sysCertificates = QSslSocket::systemCaCertificates();

Please help me, its urgent.


30th March 2012, 06:54
Hi Pranay,

If you want to get and display certificate details in Qt demo browser, here is the code:
First of all to peerCertificateChain details, one can use the SLOT sslError, the argument within this SLOT named QNetworkReply have all the details of peerCertificateChain and peerCertificate.

void NetworkAccessManager::sslError(QNetworkReply *reply, const QList<QSslError> &error)
QList<QSslCertificate> peerCertificateChain = reply->sslConfiguration().peerCertificateChain();

Thanks & Regards,

26th August 2013, 04:39
Just signed up to say thank-you for your Implementation of Subclassing QNetworkAccessManager, after doing that, this resolved my problem.

However my problem of getting "Invalid SSL Handshake" was when i tried moving my class which was using QNetworkAccessManager to another thread that subclassed QObject (for signals and slots) using className->moveToThread(threadName).

If i didn't move to another thread my SLOT to receive SSL Errors worked and was able to "reply->setIgnoreSSLErrors".

Regardless of the different situation,

Thank you again :-)

EDIT: After doing this i was able to receive a reply, however after receiving.. my connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), manager, SLOT(deleteLater())); would cause my program to crash..
After removing the line, it doens't crash. Any thoughts?

2nd Edit: I use this new Subclass of QNetworkAccessManager by creating a new class every time i make new requests. Only the first time it is called, having the slot connected to delete the manager is it crashing the program, further on when a new instance of class is created, it connects and deletes the manager without crashing..

NetworkAccessManager *manager = new NetworkAccessManager();
//connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), manager, SLOT(deleteLater())); //This line causes program to terminate/crash
connect(manager, SIGNAL(sslErrors(QNetworkReply*,QList<QSslError>)), this, SLOT(sslErrors(QNetworkReply*,QList<QSslError>)));

..then later when i make another request
NetworkAccessManager *manager = new NetworkAccessManager();
connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(getAlbumCoverImageDataReply(QNetworkReply*))) ;
connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), manager, SLOT(deleteLater())); //doesn't crash app?
connect(manager, SIGNAL(sslErrors(QNetworkReply*,QList<QSslError>)), this, SLOT(sslErrors(QNetworkReply*,QList<QSslError>)));
