View Full Version : Designer Layout Tips?

3rd June 2009, 18:14
I'm posting this thread to ask is there any layout tips, possibly website, forum posts, etc.

The reason why I ask is because I come from the Visual Studio .rc file way where I would place the absolute positions and control dynamically through code. Now I know I can do that in Qt as well, however I want to try out using the recommended layout method with spacers, horizontal/vertical/grid/etc layouts.

So far in my playing with Qt I've been able to use the layouts but I have a hard time conceptualizing how to do this will LOTs of controls on a page. For example say I have my page all built up nice and I want to add another control...breaking the layouts to place the control and then building back up the layouts is a pain. I know you can drag and drop into the current layout but copying and pasting an already setup control didn't quite seem to work.

I guess I'm just asking how are you guys building your user interfaces? Any suggestions?


3rd June 2009, 20:10
What is wrong with dragging the new widget into an existing layout? I didn't quite get what you meant...

3rd June 2009, 20:23
I guess I was having trouble re-arranging them. Especially when moving the controls down to the bottom of a layout. It turns out its easier to move the controls up from the bottom then to get that little blue line just right to insert.

Anyways I guess I just posted too soon....i'm getting the hang of this now. Just takes some getting used to.

3rd June 2009, 21:17
If you have a very complex layout it is sometimes good to refactor the form and use the widget promotion feature to compose a single form from several separate sub-forms.