View Full Version : Qextserual can't detect virtual com-port

16th June 2009, 14:30
Hey everybody,

just got a question if anyone noticed similar problem to mine..

im using qt 4.5 with qexserialport 1.2 alpha

got a device connected to USB Serial Port (FTDI)

I noticed that it actually cant detect it...

QextSerialEnumerator enumer;
QList<QextPortInfo>ports = enumer.getPorts();
QStringList strlist;
for( int i = 0; i < ports.count(); ++i) strlist << ports.at(i).portName;

In fact i have got the info from real comm-port, but can't get the info from virtual comm-port:confused:


17th June 2009, 21:35
I don't use this alpha version of Qextserialport.

You can scan a list of QString("COM%1").arg(i) and try to open the port: if you can open it, there is an available port. On Linux you can query the list of /dev/ttyS* and /dev/ttyUSB*.

19th June 2009, 11:16
I don't use this alpha version of Qextserialport.

You can scan a list of QString("COM%1").arg(i) and try to open the port: if you can open it, there is an available port. On Linux you can query the list of /dev/ttyS* and /dev/ttyUSB*.

thanks, but i have got the list of com port information, but except for the vitual com port..

19th June 2009, 13:16
I don't understand. What's the difference between a virtual-com and a real-com port?
If I connect my Arduino with the USB cable on my PC (a microcontroller with the FTDI chip), Windows, same as Linux, shows me a COM3 or a /dev/ttyUSB0. This is a virtual com port, but the system operator is the only subject that knows this. Any programs see that port as a real serial port.

19th June 2009, 14:21
indeed, i can see the virtual-com port under device management (windows), und i can use other software to open the port, but, only my Qt code, as i described, can't detect die virtual-com port.
so i don't understand, if the QextSerialEnumerator support the virtual-device or not..

19th June 2009, 14:30
I don't use this alpha version of Qextserialport.

You can scan a list of QString("COM%1").arg(i) and try to open the port: if you can open it, there is an available port. On Linux you can query the list of /dev/ttyS* and /dev/ttyUSB*.

however, i notice that you can scan the port with a normal version of Qextserialport?
I used the alpha version of Qextserialport because it can easy detect the port information.

19th June 2009, 14:35
Here my code.

// Query available SerialPort name

QStringList MySerialPort::availablePortsName()


QextSerialPort testPort;

QStringList portsName;
QString testPortName;

#ifdef _WIN
for (int i=1; i<MAX_COM_PORT; i++)
testPortName = QString("COM%1").arg(i);
if (testPort.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite))

#else // _UNIX
QDir dir("/dev");
QStringList filters;

filters << "ttyS*" << "ttyUSB*";
dir.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::System);
QFileInfoList list = dir.entryInfoList();

for (int i=0; i< list.size(); i++)
portsName.append(list.at(i).canonicalFilePath ());

return portsName;

19th June 2009, 14:50
thanks a lot, i will try it later!

9th December 2012, 16:54

I use code very similiar to the one PaceyIV posted.
The problem is that my system gets blocked whenever a COM Port is not existing but Qt tries to open it anyways. My whole application freezes for about 5 seconds
I have two ideas for a solution.
Let the open methods run in the background. How? I dont know.
Set a timeout for the open method. How? I dont know.

Another option would be a different code that avoids opening ports that dont exist, is there a solution for that?

Any help is highly appreciated.

13th December 2012, 07:45
hi i want to get the corresponding port name when we choose a printer name in a combobox.....i stuck with it for few days,,,kindly help me'