View Full Version : Read FileName from a directory

17th June 2009, 07:35
1. A directory contains more number of file. How can i get each file name in a QString till i finished reading all file.
2. What is the process_line(line); Writtern in QFIle example of reading a file.
I am getting a error that:
"process_line undeclared identifier".

17th June 2009, 07:40
1. A directory contains more number of file. How can i get each file name in a QString till i finished reading all file.

use this

QDir dir("d:/");
const QStringList entities = dir.entryList(QDir::Files);

2. What is the process_line(line); Writtern in QFIle example of reading a file.
I am getting a error that:
"process_line undeclared identifier".
it's just an example, i.e. you must write your own process_line or whatever you like to call it.

17th June 2009, 07:44
1. check void Window::find() in http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/dialogs-findfiles.html

17th June 2009, 07:47
2. process_line is user defined function. you can write own function to process selected file.