View Full Version : Problems compiling after adding an action in a menu

19th June 2009, 16:13
Hi! I'm using Qt Creator to work on a project. I have a problem when i add an action in a menu. In the .ui file it tells me that the action is saved, but when i go to the .cpp source file to connect that action with a function it doesn't appear to me. When i build my project it doesn't appear the change i did visually. Hope you can help me out. Thanks

19th June 2009, 16:51
General advise: rebuild your application. For more specific please send some code. the ui file, the added action name, how do you do the connection...

19th June 2009, 17:48
go to the ui file and save that file....ctrl s then rebuild
i feel problem is solved...

19th June 2009, 17:58
Hi again, i have tried rebuilding it and also doing so from terminal but no results always, only from time to time. I have also saved the .ui file and rebuild it but no changes. I thought it was only when i added actions but i add a botton or anything else and the changes doesn't work.