View Full Version : QT Application testing

20th June 2009, 05:08
Hi All,

I am working on a QT based(version 4.4.x) application, wherein my job is to test the GUI. I would like to write tests which can help me in automating the GUI testing.

Somebody suggested to go for Squish, but this is commercial. I do not want to go for Squish. Can somebody point me to a tool or framework which can help me automating this.

Kindly Help.

Thanks in advance.


20th June 2009, 11:51
Qt has its own testing framework (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/qtestlib-manual.html) with basic GUI testing features. I never used the GUI stuff, but it might be worth a look.

23rd June 2009, 09:28
Sorry, that is meant for non-GUI testing. I am looking for a similar one but for GUI testing.