View Full Version : [s60] file 'string' cannot be opened

30th June 2009, 17:44
I have instaled 4.5.2-tower, added new sources to PATH and set path to tower in carbide. I create new project and add one button but during compilation :

c:\Qt\4.5.2-tower\src\corelib\tools\qstring.h:60: the file 'string' cannot be opened
and after this there are many many errors connected with qstring.h. Do you have some explenation?

1st July 2009, 02:11
so may be the error comes when #include<string> is encountered by the compiler.. may be the include path is not set properly

1st July 2009, 17:20
I think it is propoerty because is set the same as in tutorial from qt software. Any idea??
This is text from console from compilation: http://pastebin.com/f16e1e6a2 "the file 'string' cannot be opened" is at line 72

1st July 2009, 22:42
Do you have the "string" file in your compiler's installation tree?

1st July 2009, 23:25
I uninstalled everything what was connected with Qt and installed it again and now is ok. Before that I had used everything what I had faund in internet and some advice from nokia forum and it didn't help.