View Full Version : Change only part of QLineEdit with input mask - possible?

9th July 2009, 14:34

I have a line edit with an input mask with, say, 5 characters.

Question is this: can I somehow make QLineEdit to allow to change only last 3 chars in accordance to mask, and leave the first 2 untouched - as they were set by initial setText()?

To rephrase: I need an input mask to be set on part of the text, while not allowing to change another part.

I guess this is impossible, but who knows, Qt has many tricks ;)


10th July 2009, 09:37
Use escaped characters in the inputMask to display unchangable text. This, for example displays "TestXXX", where you can only edit the "XXX" part.


10th July 2009, 09:57
Wow, isn't that cool :)
Thank you!

10th July 2009, 10:01
Heh, now I have another question:

I need to paint part of the line edit's text in one color and other part in another color.
The only way I see is reimplementing paintEvent with all the drawing - frame, margins, text.

But maybe there's some quicker way? :)

10th July 2009, 10:59
No, QLineEdit doesn't allow you to use rich text.

10th July 2009, 12:11
Ok, just figured out that this particular feature is not strictly needed, so it can be dropped :)