View Full Version : Building Qt with SSL Support

13th July 2009, 14:15
When I downloaded the Qt SDK it had SSL support built in, and I used it successfully to read with auth my Gmail inbox xml feed.

However, I also needed to use Phonon, so I had to rebuild with my VS2008 compiler. I didn't realize, but this removed SSL support. If I configure with the following options, I see "OpenSSL support... no":
configure -phonon -no-webkit -platform win32-msvc2008 -opensource(Qt 4.5.2 + MSVC 2008 breaks WebKit)

How can I get it back? I tried configuring with
--openssl -I "my/path/to/openssl/include" but it still fails, this time with general C++ missing-class messages. Is there a particular OpenSSL version I need to use? Or something else I'm missing?

13th July 2009, 14:30
Do you have OpenSSL libraries built for MSVC?

13th July 2009, 14:36
Ach... I think not... Now it's painfully clear what I missed. ><

I need to build the libs and link those in... for some reason I was thinking the included files had what was needed but it's obvious that those are for using the openssl lib. I'll work on this.

Thanks. ><

13th July 2009, 15:22
It is still failing after building. This is how I'm building:

del buildlog-configure.txt
del buildlog-nmake.txt
nmake confclean
configure -phonon -no-webkit -platform win32-msvc2008 -opensource -openssl -I "E:\dev\sdk\openssl\include" -L "E:\dev\sdk\openssl\out32dll" > buildlog-configure.txt
nmake > buildlog-nmake.txt

Both paths are correct, and the out32dll path is populated.

Here is the output from configure: Paste (http://pastebin.com/m22bcdf3c)
Here is the output from nmake: Paste (http://pastebin.com/m5853d08f)

13th July 2009, 15:44
Well it turns out that I hadn't 'make install'd openssl. All of the files in /include were blank, but existed. Thus, my compiler didn't raise an error until it just couldn't find the classes.

I would have noticed if they didn't exist, but I didn't since they were just empty. I 'make installed' and the compiling appears to be succeeding.