View Full Version : [QProcess] Can I simulate keyboard input to external program?

15th July 2009, 08:53
Hi guys, I'm trying to write a consol base app (under Win XP) that runs (starts) external program and then presses "Tab", "Tab", "Tab" follow by 4 digits then "Tab" and 8 digits. Is it possible to send data to QProcess in a similar to keyboard input way? Any hints on this?

15th July 2009, 08:56
i dont think QProcess has that functionality... but you can always use WinAPI... if i remember correctly... its SendMessage or something..

15th July 2009, 23:19
So there is no other way then WinApi? Can I use some others Qt's features to do that?

16th July 2009, 15:29
If you have the sources of both apps under your control, you can of course use any IPC mechanism offered by Qt.

17th July 2009, 11:14
The problem is i don't have source code of application I want to comunicate with. I see taht I must resort to WinApi. Thanks for all your help folks.

17th July 2009, 12:17
use better PostMessage function it is asynchronous.