View Full Version : Disable or lock a QTableWidget

15th July 2009, 20:59
Hi i'm working with a QTableWidget and want to disable or lock the edition of it. I know that a QTableView would do the trick, but i'm working with an open source project that has this "issue", because this table is big, it would take me a lot of time to start working with a QTableView. THANKS IN ADVANCE

15th July 2009, 22:06
The most straight forward way, for the whole view:


A bit more tedious way, adjusting the flags for individual items:


16th July 2009, 15:03
Hi thanks for your advice, but i don't know how to implement your answers could you give a head start on that please.

16th July 2009, 15:05
What did you try so far?

16th July 2009, 15:28
I thought i would be a property or function of my QTableWdiget object, for example:

object->setEditTriggers(); //This tells me that inside the () goes a EditTriggers

16th July 2009, 15:35
Yes, it is a property. There is a getter that returns the current edit triggers in use, and there is a setter which you can use to change the edit triggers. Don't you think the setter would perhaps take a parameter, like suggested by your compiler? Not to be rude, but perhaps it's time to get back to your favourite C++ book for a while?

PS. Here's the link to the documentation once more, because the first one seemed to be broken: QAbstractItemView::editTriggers

16th July 2009, 15:46
Yes every object has a getter and a setter, the setter obviously needs a parameter, but i was refering to how you put the EditTriggers, i put it like this:

ui.diariostableWidget->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::EditTriggers(0) );

But it doesn't work.

16th July 2009, 15:53
That should work, but for better readability (and safer code) you should use the corresponding enum value called "no edit triggers".

16th July 2009, 17:02
Hi again, i tried to use the NoEditTriggers like this but it doesn work either:

ui.diariostableWidget->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers) ;

16th July 2009, 17:04
But what do you mean by "doesn't work"? Please try to be more specific.

16th July 2009, 17:06
I can still edit the items of the table

16th July 2009, 17:17
Works fine for me:

// main.cpp
#include <QtGui>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QTableWidget table(4, 4);
// uncomment the following line and the table can no more be edited:
// table.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTri ggers);
return app.exec();

16th July 2009, 17:27
I think it doesn't work because in the part of the options of tha visual form in editTriggers the options of editing with double click was checked, i noticed the existance of this option until now :o, that's why anything i put in the .cpp didn't work. THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP!!! :)