View Full Version : How to use the content of line Edit in different forms

16th July 2009, 04:59

I am using 3 line edits namely x,y,z in main form when i press a button it will open a new form then it also contains 3 line edits namely xdat,ydat,zdat. i will input some values in xdat,ydat,zdat then when i press enter the values of xdat,ydat,zdat should be displayed in x,y,z lineedits. please help usit would be great pleasure.

16th July 2009, 05:24
i am not sure but u can try sockets communication or ipc ...
because u want two independent dialogs to communicate each other ...

16th July 2009, 05:55
just write a get function in your qdialog subclas which will return the stringlist or something... it is very simple.. u will find thousands of examples. start looking in Qt assistant