View Full Version : QGraphicsRectItem selected line

17th July 2009, 13:22
It's my first post here, so sorry if I'm starting a thread which already has been answered. I googled for the answer, but found nothing useful...

Anyway - I'm working on a project with a QGraphicsView-Scene-RectItem class implementation. The main functions available to the user should be the dragging (already done), selecting (done in 50%), resizing (problem here) and deleting rectangles (QGraphicsRectItems).

The problem I have now is with the ItemIsSelectable flag. I set it in the constructor of MyRectangle class, which inherits from QGraphicsRectItem. This allows for selecting the item, but I would really need to change the line style when the item gets selected (now it's barely noticeable). How can this be achieved? Should I reimplement the mousePressEvent? If so - how to deselect all other items on the scene besides the one under the mouse...

I will really appreciate any help,
Sending regards,


17th July 2009, 13:38
It's my first post here, so sorry if I'm starting a thread which already has been answered. I googled for the answer, but found nothing useful...
Next time also use the board search function;)

Two possibilities:

Create your own QStyle
reimp the paint function with

if (option & QStyle::State_HasFocus)
// draw a custom selection rect

// remove the selection flag and call the base implementation
QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *o = const_cast<QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*> (option);
o->state &= ~QStyle::State_HasFocus;
QGraphicsRectItem::paint(painter, o, widget);

17th July 2009, 15:03
Thank you for the rapid reply :-). The reimplementation of paint() works like a charm. I saw it in the Diagram application from "C++ GUI programming with Qt" (chapter 8), but didn't have a clue that I should use it. Thanks.

By the way - what would be your general suggestion to implementing resize handles on the rectangles (at least in one corner)? I found a couple of threads on Qt Centre concerning this topic...
