View Full Version : slow down the flash within the qwebview?

18th July 2009, 22:50
hi guys,

i'm betting with my friend on a flash game. i told her that i can win, but i can't. she is too awesome at that game.

ok, alright, i admit that i'm in love with her. i just want to impress her or at least find a chance to talk to her. anyway, that is another story.

now i want to play a little trick by slowing down the flash game so that i can have more time to react and get a better score.

my idea is to slow down the qt browser, this plan worked when i run the browser in the debug mode. my score improved, but it is not enough.

i thought may be i can set some break point and pause the program once i click some where on the screen, but i don't know if it is a good idea, as switching between visual studio and the program also takes a lot of time.

or how about when i click somewhere on the screen, i show a message box and the program stops. and i click the button on the message box, and then the browser can go on. so when the browser is paused, i can have more time to make my decision on my next move in the game.

or anyone familiar with the webkit, is there any code i can heck to slow down the flash plugin? thank you.

20th July 2009, 13:49
Correct me if I'm wrong but the flash player is a separate process from the browser so doing anything with WebKit is probably reaching your left ear with your right hand. Try decreasing priority of the player process in your process manager.