View Full Version : Qt 5 comments??

20th July 2009, 09:56
I was digging in Qt sources for some reason, and noticed Qt 5 comments... So what do you think? When we will get Qt 5? Just curious...:)

give it a try in src folder..

grep -srn "Qt 5:" .

here is the little bit of output (not full due to post char count limit)

./network/socket/qabstractsocket.h:123: // ### Qt 5: Make connectToHost() and disconnectFromHost() virtual.
./network/socket/qabstractsocket.h:141: // ### Qt 5: Make setReadBufferSize() virtual
./network/socket/qabstractsocket.h:147: // ### Qt 5: Make socketDescriptor() and setSocketDescriptor() virtual.
./network/socket/qabstractsocket.h:163: // ### Qt 5: Make waitForConnected() and waitForDisconnected() virtual.
./network/socket/qudpsocket.h:77: // ### Qt 5: Merge the bind functions
./network/access/qhttp.h:89: // ### Qt 5: change to qint64
./network/access/qhttp.h:265: // ### Qt 5: change to qint64
./sql/kernel/qsqldriver.h:126: bool subscribeToNotification(const QString &name); // ### Qt 5: make virtual
./sql/kernel/qsqldriver.h:127: bool unsubscribeFromNotification(const QString &name); // ### Qt 5: make virtual
./sql/kernel/qsqldriver.h:128: QStringList subscribedToNotifications() const; // ### Qt 5: make virtual
./sql/kernel/qsqldriver.h:139: bool subscribeToNotificationImplementation(const QString &name); // ### Qt 5: eliminate, see subscribeToNotification()
./sql/kernel/qsqldriver.h:140: bool unsubscribeFromNotificationImplementation(const QString &name); // ### Qt 5: eliminate, see unsubscribeFromNotification()
./sql/kernel/qsqldriver.h:141: QStringList subscribedToNotificationsImplementation() const; // ### Qt 5: eliminate, see subscribedNotifications()
./opengl/qgl.h:279: // ### Qt 5: make format() return a const ref instead
./opengl/qgl.h:284: // ### Qt 5: return bools + maybe remove virtuals
./opengl/qgl.h:341: void generateFontDisplayLists(const QFont & fnt, int listBase); // ### Qt 5: remove
./opengl/qgl.h:412: // ### Qt 5: return bools
./opengl/qgl.h:419: // ### Qt 5: make format() return a const ref instead
./opengl/qgl.h:491: int fontDisplayListBase(const QFont & fnt, int listBase = 2000); // ### Qt 5: remove
./xmlpatterns/api/qabstractxmlnodemodel.cpp:398:### Qt 5:
./xmlpatterns/api/qabstractxmlreceiver.cpp:239:### Qt 5:
./xmlpatterns/api/qabstractxmlreceiver.cpp:288:### Qt 5:
./corelib/global/qlibraryinfo.h:77: static QString location(LibraryLocation); // ### Qt 5: consider renaming it to path()
./corelib/thread/qreadwritelock.h:46:#include <limits.h> // ### Qt 5: remove
./corelib/thread/qreadwritelock.h:63: QReadWriteLock(); // ### Qt 5: merge with below
./corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp:1760:// ### Qt 5: change typeName()(and froends= to return a QString. Suggestion from Harald.
./corelib/kernel/qtranslator.h:68: // ### Qt 5: Merge (with "int n = -1")
./corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.h:139: // ### Qt 5: merge
./corelib/kernel/qobjectdefs.h:95:// ### Qt 5: merge overloads
./corelib/kernel/qobjectdefs.h:107:// ### Qt 5: merge overloads
.t 5: rename freeData() to avoid confusion with std::free()
./corelib/tools/qdatetime.cpp:81: FIRST_DAY = 2, // ### Qt 5: make FIRST_DAY = 1, by support jd == 0 as valid
./corelib/tools/qdatetime.cpp:1371: ### Qt 5: remove it
./corelib/tools/qdatetime.cpp:1383: ### Qt 5: remove it
./corelib/tools/qdatetime.h:82: // ### Qt 5: merge these functions.
./corelib/tools/qdatetime.h:124: // ### Qt 5: remove these two functions
./corelib/tools/qlocale.h:597: // ### Qt 5: We need to return QString from these function since
./corelib/tools/qlocale.h:644: // ### Qt 5: change to a QLocaleData *d; uint numberOptions.
./corelib/tools/qvarlengtharray.h:131: // ### Qt 5: Use 'Prealloc * sizeof(T)' as array size
./gui/image/qpixmap.cpp:83:// ### Qt 5: remove
./gui/image/qpixmap.cpp:87:// ### Qt 5: rename
./gui/image/qpixmap.cpp:91:// ### Qt 5: remove
./gui/kernel/qkeysequence.h:149: uint count() const; // ### Qt 5: return 'int'
./gui/kernel/qkeysequence.h:173: // ### Qt 5: kill 'operator QString' - it's evil
./gui/kernel/qlayoutitem.cpp:412: // ### Qt 5: This function should probably be virtual instead
./gui/accessible/qaccessiblewidget.cpp:970:// ### Qt 5: remove me - binary compatibility hack
./gui/accessible/qaccessibleobject.cpp:385:// ### Qt 5: remove me - binary compatibility hack
./gui/itemviews/qitemselectionmodel.h:96: QItemSelectionRange intersect(const QItemSelectionRange &other) const; // ### Qt 5: make QT4_SUPPORT
./gui/itemviews/qtreewidget.cpp:2883: ### Qt 5: remove
./gui/itemviews/qtreewidget.cpp:2893: ### Qt 5: remove
./gui/itemviews/qstyleditemdelegate.cpp:486: // ### Qt 5: remove
./gui/itemviews/qstyleditemdelegate.cpp:498: // ### Qt 5: give QComboBox a USER property
./gui/itemviews/qitemdelegate.cpp:552: // ### Qt 5: remove
./gui/itemviews/qitemdelegate.cpp:564: // ### Qt 5: give QComboBox a USER property
./gui/itemviews/qtreewidget.h:281: int indexOfTopLevelItem(QTreeWidgetItem *item); // ### Qt 5: remove me
./gui/itemviews/qabstractitemdelegate.cpp:344:// ### Qt 5: Make this a virtual non-slot function
./gui/itemviews/qabstractitemview.cpp:1452: // ### Qt 5: make this a normal function call to a virtual function
./gui/itemviews/qheaderview.cpp:292:// ### Qt 5: change to sectionAutoResized()
./gui/itemviews/qheaderview.cpp:1070:// ### Qt 5: change to setSectionsMovable()
./gui/itemviews/qheaderview.cpp:1084:// ### Qt 5: change to sectionsMovable()
./gui/itemviews/qheaderview.cpp:1098:// ### Qt 5: change to setSectionsClickable()
./gui/itemviews/qheaderview.cpp:1113:// ### Qt 5: change to sectionsClickable()
./gui/itemviews/qheaderview.cpp:1163:// ### Qt 5: change to setSectionResizeMode()

20th July 2009, 10:15
I was digging in Qt sources for some reason, and noticed Qt 5 comments... So what do you think? When we will get Qt 5?

Unfortunately, that are just comments and helper not to forget what the trolls intend to do till Qt 5. Out of that you can't interpolate a release date...

20th July 2009, 10:18
i think they want to say what will they do in Qt5 rather than intend to do till Qt 5

20th July 2009, 10:49
When we will get Qt 5? Just curious...:)
2011/2012, as far as I can see from my notes. At least that was the plan two years ago, things might have changed since then.

20th July 2009, 10:53
2011/2012, as far as I can see from my notes. At least that was the plan two years ago, things might have changed since then.

thats too late.. when we had qt4?... in 2005? its already 4 years... Nokia(TT) is trying to break the Mirosoft record of delay Vista or what?:)

20th July 2009, 12:21
Time span between Qt3 and Qt4 was also about 5 years (3.0 was released in 2001, Qt4.0 was quite buggy so let's consider 4.1 as the first mature release and 4.2 as the first feature-complete release). The leap between Qt4 and Qt5 in terms of functionality will be greater than between Qt3 and Qt4 because it has to be done without changing the API so drastically as it was the case last time. Furthermore there are still lots of things to be done for Qt4, so let's not hurry with Qt5. With Qt5 the greatest challenge will be to provide means of thread-safe rendering. With Qt4 the greatest challenge (apart of rewriting everything from scratch) was to provide per-thread event loops and thread-safe signals and slots.

21st July 2009, 02:09
4.4 was a big bang.. we never had 3.4 .. may be 4.4 could be taken to 5.

21st July 2009, 03:23
Qt4 still has a long way to go.

21st July 2009, 03:30
ya.. i m waiting for Qt3D

10th May 2011, 14:45
2011/2012, as far as I can see from my notes. At least that was the plan two years ago, things might have changed since then.
I cant believe it!! Your notes proved to be exact!!. How you got such insider information :D.

PS-> sorry for bumping the thread.
PS2->@Admins,Mods, when we will get a official thread about QML/JS in Qt5?

11th May 2011, 11:38
I cant believe it!! Your notes proved to be exact!!. How you got such insider information :D.
I was listening carefully to what Lars had to say during his presentation at DevDays 2007.

PS-> sorry for bumping the thread.
PS2->@Admins,Mods, when we will get a official thread about QML/JS in Qt5?
I don't see any reason why we couldn't continue the discussion in this thread.

11th May 2011, 18:44
I was listening carefully to what Lars had to say during his presentation at DevDays 2007.
silly me :(.

I don't see any reason why we couldn't continue the discussion in this thread.
may be the title of the thread does not reflect about the situation today. Anyways.. QtWidgets.so.5.0.0 would be the jail for the old QWidget/QPainter magic i learned in so many years. JavaScript? let me see how i can code in it.