View Full Version : Building QT4 without libfreetype, on Solaris

20th July 2009, 16:58

I've been trying to not include libfreetype in my qt build, but so-far, to no avail. With the following configuration, I still get -lfreetype included in the makefiles qt produces. Does anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong.

./configure -prefix /home/davidg/qt/qt-4.2.3/static -release -static -fast -platform solaris-cc -no-libpng -no-fontconfig -no-glib



20th July 2009, 17:11
I don't think you can get away without freetype if you are going to do anything related to GUI. If you're not interested in GUI, configure Qt ignoring freetype and then compile QtCore (and maybe other modules you need) only.

20th July 2009, 21:25

Thanks for the quick response. Do you know what switch i need to pass to 'configure', to ignore freetype fonts. Looking at the help for 4.3.2 version of configure, there is no -no-libfreetype switch or anything. The -no-fontconfig does mention freetpye fonts, but doesn't seem to stop that lib being included.



20th July 2009, 21:29
If you ignore freetype fonts, you are left without font support at all (hence no GUI). As I said, you can't do that if you want GUI to work. If you don't then don't build the GUI module and you'll be safe.

27th July 2009, 10:28
I managed to get QT building without the freetype font support, and GUI still worked. They way I had to get around it was to build on a system which did not have the libfreetype.so in it's library path!!

This seems very strange to me, but it works, so i'm going to run with it.