View Full Version : QT Creator problem with examples

22nd July 2009, 03:57

I'm having trouble getting QT Creator to install and work properly. I am downloading the linux 32-bit binary from:


I then chmod +x, and then run it with sudo. I install to /opt/qtcreator-1.2.1/
I launch it with the Desktop shortcut automatically created and the program opens fine, except for one problem. It says "Examples not installed" under the Explore QT examples. Can anyone help me with this? I installed this program on another system of almost exactly the same specs without this issue. Thanks in advance.

By the way, before installing QT Creator, I have compiled from source QT framework only from the below link:


This seemed succesful as I can run and compile other progs based on QT. I'm running CentOS 5.3 and kernel 2.6.18-128.1.14.el5.

I can't understand why the same instructions on an identical hardware machine with same OS/QT specs do not reproduce this error.

22nd July 2009, 08:50
Did you compile and install the examples while building Qt?

22nd July 2009, 15:13
I did not compile QT Creator. I only compiled the framework. Then, I did download the QT Creator binary. However, when I compiled QT framework, I checked the directory to see if examples are present. In my $QTDIR/examples, I do have the following examples being listed:

assistant draganddrop itemviews opengl richtext tutorials
dbus examples.pro layouts painting script uitools
designer graphicsview linguist qtconcurrent sql webkit
desktop help mainwindows qtestlib threads widgets
dialogs ipc network README tools xml

This is the same on my other computer, exact hardware, os, and qt configuration. Thus, I'm stumped while I'm getting this error.

Any suggestions? I hope I don't have to recompile qt framework or download the larger version, as I've spent hours on customizing other software based on current build.

22nd July 2009, 15:30
I hope I don't have to recompile qt framework or download the larger version, as I've spent hours on customizing other software based on current build.
What larger version?

Are you sure Creator is configured to look for your compiled Qt by default?

22nd July 2009, 16:08
I checked QT Creator in Tools, Options and have:

Auto-detected QT, /usr/local/clas12/qt4

To answer your question, I installed, Qt Framework, not QT SDK, as listed below in text and reference at link:



* Qt libraries
* Qt Creator IDE
* Qt development tools

QT Framework

* Modular Qt libraries
* Integrated Qt development tools

Any ideas what to do? Thanks in advance.

22nd July 2009, 19:40
Ok, I looked into Creator code. What it looks for is "demos/qtdemo/xml/examples.xml" file. If it's there, the examples will be available from within Creator.

27th July 2009, 18:19
I checked to see if I had examples.xml in the directory mentioned, and I did. Still, QT Creator did not seem to see them. I recompiled from source again and for some unknown reason, things now work. Thanks for your help.