View Full Version : Clickable Regions

22nd July 2009, 07:39

I'm facing some weird problems in some common widgets such as QPushButton and QTabWidget. Basically the buttons (or tab widgets) I created has both icon and text and also a shortcut defined. The shortcut is working fine, but when I use my mouse to click on the button, it does not respond. :confused: After some clicking around, I realised that only a small section of the button responds to the click, i.e. around the edges of the bottom half of the button. Any idea why this happens and how to resolve this? Appreciate any help. Thanks a lot.

22nd July 2009, 07:47
What is your main widget?
QMainWindow or QDialog?

22nd July 2009, 08:39
try to make a minimal compilable example reproducing the problem and post it here.

22nd July 2009, 09:54

My main widget is a QMainWindow.

I can't post any compilable projects here coz the project is dependent on many other components besides QT. But generally the buttons I created are really very generic. Sorry about that.


22nd July 2009, 10:04
minimal program means that u make a seperate small program which do not depend on anything...

22nd July 2009, 10:07

Just to update. I did some more testing. I realise after I set my windows task bar to auto-hide, and then run my application, the widgets started to work perfectly! So my problem is miraculously resolved. But I would like to understand why this is happening. Any ideas? Thanks.

22nd July 2009, 11:26
If you don't share any code with us, how do you expect us to help you?