View Full Version : QMenuBar size policy

16th January 2006, 11:53
Hellow All!

I use QMainWindow and menuBar() member.
Also I use adjustSize() for my MainWindow!!!
After compile and run I get TWO menubars (probably because of adjustSize()):
| File | Edit | View |
| Tools | Help |

But I want to get ONE menubar, i.e.
| File | Edit | View | Tools | Help |

How to implement it?

16th January 2006, 12:07
can you show the code in which you set your menubar?

16th January 2006, 13:09
void MainWindow::createMenus()
// Only register menus (without actions)
menus_["file"] = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("File"));
menus_["view"] = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("View"));
menus_["edit"] = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("Edit"));
menus_["tools"] = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("Tools"));
menus_["help"] = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("Help"));

menus_ - is std::map<const std::string,QMenu*>

16th January 2006, 15:13
why do you use adjustSize()? (and where? its not in the code you supplied)
Try not using it, see if it helps.
I don't see anything wrong with code you posted.