View Full Version : Failure to read QMAKESPEC conf file

23rd July 2009, 12:24
Hi everyone, this is what I got when I tried to run qmake in qt creator 1.2.1 with Qt 4.4.3 :confused:
I read this http://www.qtcentre.org/forum/archive/index.php/t-6068.html

and I did these:
QMAKESPEC => E:\Qt-4.4.3-dev-msvc2008e-rs\mkspecs\win32-msvc2008
QTDIR => E:\Qt-4.4.3-dev-msvc2008e-rs
and added this "E:\Qt-4.4.3-dev-msvc2008e-rs\bin" to PATH variable
BUT STILL, it doesn't working !!! :crying:

Any help?

Running build steps for project IUTClientInterface...
Starting: E:/Qt-4.4.3-dev-msvc2008e-rs/bin/qmake.exe E:/IUTClientInterface/IUTClientInterface.pro -spec D:/Stuff/Projects/Qt/trunk/mkspecs/win32-msvc2008 -r
Failure to read QMAKESPEC conf file d:/Stuff/Projects/Qt/trunk/mkspecs/win32-msvc2008\qmake.conf.
Error processing project file: E:/IUTClientInterface/IUTClientInterface.pro
Exited with code 3.
Error while building project IUTClientInterface
When executing build step 'QMake'

23rd July 2009, 17:13
Still no answer :(
I really need this :rolleyes:

23rd July 2009, 17:17
I am not that into windows and msvc, but what's about just calling

E:/Qt-4.4.3-dev-msvc2008e-rs/bin/qmake.exe E:/IUTClientInterface/IUTClientInterface.pro

without the spec form the other dir?

23rd July 2009, 17:46
solved by copying the mkspec file in the D:... :D