View Full Version : Failure to read QMAKESPEC conf file

23rd July 2009, 13:16
Hi everyone, this is what I got when I tried to run qmake in qt creator 1.2.1 with Qt 4.4.3
I read this http://www.qtcentre.org/forum/archiv...hp/t-6068.html

and I did these:
QMAKESPEC => E:\Qt-4.4.3-dev-msvc2008e-rs\mkspecs\win32-msvc2008
QTDIR => E:\Qt-4.4.3-dev-msvc2008e-rs
and added this "E:\Qt-4.4.3-dev-msvc2008e-rs\bin" to PATH variable
BUT STILL, it doesn't working !!!

Any help?

Running build steps for project IUTClientInterface...
Starting: E:/Qt-4.4.3-dev-msvc2008e-rs/bin/qmake.exe E:/IUTClientInterface/IUTClientInterface.pro -spec D:/Stuff/Projects/Qt/trunk/mkspecs/win32-msvc2008 -r
Failure to read QMAKESPEC conf file d:/Stuff/Projects/Qt/trunk/mkspecs/win32-msvc2008\qmake.conf.
Error processing project file: E:/IUTClientInterface/IUTClientInterface.pro
Exited with code 3.
Error while building project IUTClientInterface
When executing build step 'QMake'

And another question:
In static mode, what is the size of QtGui.lib ?

24th July 2009, 04:12
first of all ... the link you provided do not work..(404 not found error)

secondly as you can see from your own error output that the path to the E:\Qt-4.4.3-dev-msvc2008e-rs was not set properly and qmake is still being used from d:/Stuff/Projects/Qt ...
how do you set your paths?

third... the size of QtGui.lib in static mode is bigger than dynamic ofcourse but this depends upon the number of qt features you have selected and the size is different for different compiler