View Full Version : Program Crash HOW TO get user input and convert to hexadecimal

23rd July 2009, 19:33
Hi Dear All, I am writing a program which will read the user's input from lineEdit and convert it to Hexadecimal, but seems the program will crash, and my Fedora 11 starts to collect bugs.

void MainWindow::on_changeMACButton_clicked()

QLineEdit *lineEdit = new QLineEdit(this);
QString hex[6]=NULL;
for(int i=0;i<6;i++){

After i build(sucessful) and run it, the whole program will crash and Fedora will start collecting bugs. Think quite some time but still can not get any clue.......please help

23rd July 2009, 21:29
What kind of input do you expect? Do you wish to convert each character to it's number representation or do you wish to read a number and display that in hexadecimal format?

I'm pretty sure your code doesn't do what you want it to.

QString hex[6]=NULL;

This is an array of 6 QStrings. You can't initialize it to NULL.

23rd July 2009, 21:31
the QLineEdit should not be a local variable -- it should be on the form. Suggest you use something like this to get the hex value:

bool ok;
int num = lineEdit.text().toInt(&ok);
QString hexRep = QString::number(num,16);

24th July 2009, 08:16
Thanks guys, I already solved the problem. your suggestions gave alot hint to me....

I just did like this

QString hex[6];
const char *set;
int hexnum[6];
/ for loop/

/for loop/
hexnum[i]=(char) (strtoul (hex[i].toAscii().data(),0,16) &0xFF);


24th July 2009, 08:48
/for loop/
hexnum[i]=(char) (strtoul (hex[i].toAscii().data(),0,16) &0xFF);

Hi, instead of this construction, you could use QString::toInt to convert your string to a hex number.
