View Full Version : how to use version control in qt creator

27th July 2009, 09:43
as the title, how to use the version control in qt creator, in win32 and linux platform.

27th July 2009, 10:03
I create the repository, then in QtCreator/Options/Subversion I set the path of where is the subversion client program.

Now, when I open some projects in the subversion repository directory, in QtCreator/Tool/Subversion I have some commands for add file, commit changes, diff, revert etc...

27th July 2009, 10:20
Or, if the repository already exists and maybe is remote, you need to first perform an initial checkout manually (i.e. using some svn tool external to QtCreator) to create a working copy.

After that, for any project open in the working copy folder(s), QtCreator will give you several svn commands in the "Tools | subversion" menu.

You need anyway to set the path of the external svn tool in "Tools | Options | Version control | Subversion". You may also need to set the authentication fields in the same dlg box; AFAIK, however, they are global to all your QtCreator projects and not specific to each project. Which may be inconvenient, if you have several remote repositories in different servers (possibly with different user names and pwds).

Some svn operations cannot be done from within QtCreator (I didn't figure out how to, anyway), like "svn propedit", useful for marking files not to be included in svn control. These operations still have to be done manually.

