View Full Version : Is this a bug of KDevelop 3.2.3( using KDE 3.4.1)?

18th May 2006, 03:52
Everytime after I debuged program,I can't compile program(Kdevelop don't response compile commnad),and I have to restart Kdevelop.Thanks!

18th May 2006, 09:07
Hi,I have this problem too. The trick is to press "esc" when the prorgam crashes (after looking at what you need) w/o pressing the key to continue the debug process. This way you can recompile and do what you want!:)

18th May 2006, 11:00
You can just click the "stop" icon in the toolbar to stop the debugging process.

19th May 2006, 09:55
Exactly, but I have KDevelop in italian and I don't know the english translation...:) I suppose that "Esc" is the hotkey for "Stop",right?;)

19th May 2006, 12:50
"Stop" is the big red round icon with a white cross inside :)