View Full Version : Multiple curves paint most recent on top

29th July 2009, 18:26

I have two curves that get populated with an almost identical set of data (just shifted a bit from each other and with different colors). My problem is that I need to paint the most recent data from each curve on top of all the other old data.

Is there any way to do this?

Thank you,

30th July 2009, 21:46
By the way, I tried setting Z-values of both curves equal to each other, but that didn't work. Do i have to make a user-defined QwtPlotItem that consists of both QwtPlotCurves?


1st August 2009, 11:44
Plot items are painted in order of their z values. The points of a curve are painted in increasing order according to the point index.
If you want to change this you can overload QwtPlot::drawItems and paint your curves in several parts using:

void QwtPlotCurve::draw(QPainter *painter,
const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
int from, int to) const