View Full Version : Problem in own model (modeltest fail)

30th July 2009, 09:29

I'm testing my model with qt modeltest but two tests fail: rowsInserted and rowsRemoved.

This is the method to delete an item:

void UserModel::delItem(const QString &nick)
int row = findItem(nick);
qDebug() << "Going to remove " << nick;
if(row < 0) {
qDebug() << "No item found with nick " << nick;
UserItem *u = userList[row];
beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), row, row);
qDebug() << "Item " << u->nick << " removed";
delete u;
qDebug() << "Really removed? " << (findUser(nick) < 0 ? "Yes" : "No!");

I have added more debug to modeltest.cpp and here the result:

Going to remove "foobar"
User "foobar" removed
Really removed? Yes
rowsRemoved start= 41 end= 41 oldsize= 192 parent= "" current rowcount= 192
isIndexValid No
itemWasRemoved: QVariant(, )
ASSERT: "c.oldSize - (end - start + 1) == model->rowCount(parent)" in file ./modeltest/modeltest.cpp, line 537
The item is really removed from userList (QList<UserItem *>) but the value returned by rowCount() doesn't reflect the change. rowCount() implementaion is ok:

int UserModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
return parent.isValid() ? 0 : userList.count();

Any idea? Thx

30th July 2009, 09:34
After deletion, update the view. Better use:

bool QAbstractItemModel::removeRow ( int row, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() )

30th July 2009, 09:53
rowsInserted and rowsRemoved will fail if you didn't reimplement appropriate methods from the model..

30th July 2009, 10:06
So your suggestion is to implement removeRows and insertRow instead of own methods?