View Full Version : Add docks and make them visible

1st August 2009, 11:10
Hi, I'm a new Qt4 user and I have my project where I want to open a dock after
the user clicked on a button. I'm using Qt Jambi, but I guess it's the same.

So I add the new dock to the window:
(parent is a QMainWindow and dock is my QDockWidget)

parent.addDockWidget(Qt.DockWidgetArea.RightDockWi dgetArea, dock)
parent.tabifyDockWidget(dock, uiMainWindow.addonDock)

That code will add the dock in the right area and 'tabify' it. But now it is
in the background, i.e. the user need to click on the dock's tab to open it.
In the forderground is still the other dock. You can see the screenshot:

What is the method to make the new dock-tab to put in the forderground?

Thank you, Devent.

1st August 2009, 11:17
QMainWindow::setTabPosition() (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/qmainwindow.html#setTabPosition).

2nd August 2009, 01:28
QMainWindow::setTabPosition() (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/qmainwindow.html#setTabPosition).

Thank you, but I think you misunderstood me. I try to explain better.

In my window I have a dock that is visible from the start of the application. Now I like to open another dock in the same location if the user clicks a button. But the problem is that the dock opens in the background of the dock-tab. The user need to click on the 'Units Ov...' tab to open the dock as you can see in the screenshot.

Now my question is: How do I put this new dock automaticly in the forderground?

I tried dock.show(), dock.setFocus() but nothing works.

2nd August 2009, 16:40
I didn't misinterpret your question, I misinterpreted the documentation for the function. I expected a way to influence the behavior of the QTabBar but couldn't find any either.

3rd August 2009, 01:45
I didn't misinterpret your question, I misinterpreted the documentation for the function. I expected a way to influence the behavior of the QTabBar but couldn't find any either.

I couldn't find anything either so I asked here. But thank you anyway, I 'solved' this by rearranging the docks in my GUI.

9th November 2009, 21:01
I'm struggling with this as well in 4.5.2. I've added a second QDockWidget to the main window and successfully tabbed it as I desire using QMainWindow::tabifyDockWidget. However, the last dock widget added is NEVER selected. In my application the new dock widget represents the last open file so I always want that one to be active. I have tried using raise(), activateWindow(), and show(). Nothing has worked. I also tried reversing the order that the dock widgets are listed in my call to QMainWindow::tabifyDockWidget. I've tried calling raise() before tabifying the dock widget. Nothing is allowing me to programatically select a specific tabbed dock widget.

Has anyone found a solution or workaround for this problem? It's going to be a major annoyance to my users for them to have to select that tab in order to see the last file they opened.


15th January 2012, 02:01
I've found a solution. If you want to put created dock widget in a foreground tab, you should do this:

main_window->tabifyDockWidget(old_dock_widget, new_dock_widget);