View Full Version : Question about the license wizard (example)

14th August 2009, 07:39
Hey @all,

I know my english is not the best, but I hope that it is understandable.

The example for the License Wizard is a great work, and with own coding this become fast to an complete result. My Question is that this example is build to enter a license key. But how can I generate a license key? For example Qt itself has a license key when I install/compile it as a commercial version, KD Chart and Froglogic Squish does also have an license key.

In this forum this topic are already discussed, and somebody mean that therefore i can activate the software using only activation mechanism, but what i mean is to get a key like the following:
or somthing similar

I've also tried it with creating a salted MD5 Hash from an online activation, but this can't be the solution, because therefore I can only use a few characters from the MD5 hash.

I don't think that Qt software use a commercial product for generating keys to protect the source and this i also don't think from the example libraries/programs i wrote above (like Squish and KD Chart)

I hope somebody else has another solution.

Best Regards

14th August 2009, 10:13
But how can I generate a license key?
This is not really a Qt specific thing. Here's my view. Generating a license key is generally some algorithm that takes into account a few things (version, capabilities, generation time, you name it) and produces a more or less random key from that. You also have an algorithm that works the other way around and decodes the key back into whatever parameters you put in. In fact, you could see a license key as a sort of encoded or encrypted piece of data, like an md5-sum.