View Full Version : Basic Qt Questions

15th August 2009, 16:16
hi all,
1) how to find the value of a variable , in debugging mode.
(like immediate window in vb6.0 or WATCHES)

2) how to apply HEX codes directly in QT CREATOR.
im using the following code to set the window color stored db.
The value is in should be in HEXcode. but my db contains the corressponding DECIMAL CODE.


i will store the hexcode in db. and i want to set the correspondin color to the form.

how to read the hexcode frm db and set the color in QT?


15th August 2009, 17:13
hi all,
1) how to find the value of a variable , in debugging mode.
(like immediate window in vb6.0 or WATCHES)

in console you can get debug info with

qDebug() << yourVar;