View Full Version : Qt-Embedded 4.5, TsLib and TSC-10 touch screen (Solved)

17th August 2009, 09:11
I have a problem with a TSC-10 touch screen and TsLib : when I start a Qt application the touch screen does not react.

What I have already done :
- I have download TsLib and modify the input-raw.c file to make TSC-10 and TsLib compatible.
- I have run ./configure with –embedded x86 –qvfb –qt-freetype –qt-mouse-tslib –L /usr/local/tslib/lib/ –I /usr/local/tslib/include/ options
- I have set the following environment variables :
- export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/touch0
- export TSLIB_CALIBFILE=/etc/pointercal
- export TSLIB_CONFFILE=/etc/ts.conf
- export TSLIB_PLUGINDIR=/lib/ts
- export TSLIB_CONSOLEDEVICE=/dev/tty
- export TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb0
- export QWS_MOUSE_PROTO=Tslib:/dev/touch0
- I have run ts_calibrate and ts_test and the both work well !
- But when I start Qt app the cursor does not move. :(
- I made a test with the mousecalibration apps who said me "No mouse handler installed"

I have no more idea.
Can everyone help me ?

17th August 2009, 09:37
To be able to compile mouse handler, Qt for Embedded Linux must be configured with the -qt-mouse-tslib option.:)
Please refer this (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.4/qt-embedded-pointer.html) page. This is very important.

17th August 2009, 10:00
To be able to compile mouse handler, Qt for Embedded Linux must be configured with the -qt-mouse-tslib option.:)

Thank but...

What I have already done :
- I have run ./configure with –embedded x86 –qvfb –qt-freetype –qt-mouse-tslib –L /usr/local/tslib/lib/ –I /usr/local/tslib/include/ options

I have already see the Qt doc...

17th August 2009, 10:10
Make sure you are using the correct device file.
As a first step, you can test whether the device file actually gives any output. For instance, if you have specified the mouse driver with

then try examining the output from the device by entering the following command in a console:

cat /dev/input/mouse0 | hexdump
If you see output from the device printed on the console when you move the mouse, you are probably using the correct device file; otherwise, you will need to experiment to find the correct device file.

17th August 2009, 12:32
Device /dev/touch0 is the good device.
I have already check the input device.
I can run ts_calibrat and ts_test programs and the touch screen reacts well with them.
It’s only with a Qt apps that it didn’t respond.

17th August 2009, 14:16
It’s work ! ! ! !
This morning I had a new idea and it was the good !
Since the last build of my embedded Qt I have copy some libs into my embedded kernel. So the embedded Kernel worked with old lib that haven’t TsLib !
Some ctrl-c, ctrl-v later my touch screen work as well !

6th September 2009, 10:53
Hi, i have the same problem, would you like please to explain me what you did to the
kernel to make the Qt works?

Thank you

1st October 2009, 08:00
To the kernel, I did not make changes.
All steps are describe in my first post.
In witch step do you have a problem ?

11th January 2011, 21:05
I have a similar case here, but my problem is that the touch direction is reversed (i.e. when moving stylus up, mouse move down and vise versa).
Was your problem the same?


12th January 2011, 06:44
Its was a long time ago !
I don't remember exactly, but I haven't this kind of problem.
Maybe two ideas :
- An inverted sign (+/-) in calibration script
- An inverted pin in you hardware