View Full Version : Linking to a different libjpeg?

18th August 2009, 14:52
Dear all,

Qt uses libjpeg to handle the JPG image format (compression and decompression). Does anyone know if it is possible to override the actual libjpeg used for linking in the qmake (.pro) file of a project?

Specifically, I would like to override usage of the standard libjpeg on my Debian system with an IPP (Intel Performance Primitives) version of libjpeg that resides in /opt/intel/ipp/ and /opt/intel/ipp/, since the IPP version is 2,5x as fast (which matters in my application).

Regards, Sidney

18th August 2009, 20:05
probably yes, if you
* provide a link to the expected .so-name (assuming the versions) are compatible
(check with ldd what libjpeg is required)
* set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and/or LD_RUN_PATH to include your libjpeg's directory
* maybe add LIBPATH to your .pro file

if the libs are not compatible, you might have to configure and build Qt against your libjpeg