View Full Version : Using QT Script...

18th August 2009, 20:48
Hi! I have following questions regarding qt script:
1. I understand that I shall have to invoke the script from the application. But when do I do that? I mean how I make sure I would run certain set of tests at certain time. How do I make sure finished application does not run tests, or does not generate test related signals when I don't want to. Do I have to edit the application every time?

2. Is there a tutorial which says: this is the application, these are the things I want to test and this is how I would like to test... A complete walk through tutorial.

Sorry for asking silly questions as a complete newbie to QT.


18th August 2009, 22:29
This example about QtScript maybe helpful http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/script-calculator.html