View Full Version : Eclipse debugging: Unable to create variable object

20th August 2009, 21:42
Hi there,

I'm debugging my application under Eclipse with Qt integration. Variables of simple types like float are appearing.

I have a variable from the Configurable Math Library (http://www.cmldev.net) of type Matrix 4 which is a typedef for:


When trying to drill down to see the data, in the Variables window, I get the following error message in the Eclipse Console:

Type matrix<float,cml::fixed<4, 4>,cml::col_basis,cml::col_major> has no component named fixed_2D<float,4,4,cml::col_major>.

And the following error message in the Variables window:

m_data float [4][4] Error: Unable to create variable object
this.viewportMatrix_.fixed_2D<float,4,4,cml::col_major>.m_data[0] Error: Unable to create variable object
this.viewportMatrix_.fixed_2D<float,4,4,cml::col_major>.m_data[1] Error: Unable to create variable object
this.viewportMatrix_.fixed_2D<float,4,4,cml::col_major>.m_data[2] Error: Unable to create variable object
this.viewportMatrix_.fixed_2D<float,4,4,cml::col_major>.m_data[3] Error: Unable to create variable object

It also reports error: Failed to execute MI command: -var -create - * &(this.viewportMatrix_, <snip>)

Anyone know what's going wrong?
