View Full Version : showMaximized doesnt show the canvas

23rd May 2006, 11:43

I have created a MainWindow and on that i have created a canvas and canvasitems..
Now in my main class before setupUi(form) i call the function form->showMaximized().
This solves my purpose of maximizing the screen but then the canvas is not shown.. when i remove the function, the canvas is seen..
why is it so happening.. like i am not able to open the mainwindow in either full screen or maximized format.. Can u plz help in this..

Thanking you,

with regards,

23rd May 2006, 11:46
Try first do setupUI :rolleyes:

23rd May 2006, 11:49
its all the same result.. :) i have tried the entire set od permutations and combinations..:D

23rd May 2006, 11:55
Then try post code :)

23rd May 2006, 12:03
You are probably initialising the canvas view after calling showMaximized(). If so, you have to explicitely call show() on the canvas view or move its initialisation before the showMaximized() call.

23rd May 2006, 12:22
You are probably initialising the canvas view after calling showMaximized(). If so, you have to explicitely call show() on the canvas view or move its initialisation before the showMaximized() call.

yaa this was what was happening.. now its maximized with the canvas... but why is it so that it comes on the windows bar at the bottom and when i click on it, it gets maximized.. why doesnt it pop-up and comes on top of all the windows that are open....

i just haev included this line before show() and after intializinf the canvas form->showMaximized()

Thanking you,