View Full Version : From QString to QWebView.

27th August 2009, 01:27
Hey guys,

I want to convert a QString to utf8 html compliant so it can be viewed in a QWebPage.

QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8");
QByteArray string = codec->fromUnicode(output);

I tried the above with no succes.

27th August 2009, 05:52
I am not sure what QWebPage got to do with UTF.
Though to convert QString to UTF, use this:


27th August 2009, 09:04
Consider this:

QByteArray string = string.toUtf8();

for (int i = 0; i < string.size(); i++)
qDebug("%c", string.at(i));

That doesn't print the UTF8 byte sequence.

27th August 2009, 09:11
You can use:

qDebug() << yourString

27th August 2009, 09:22
UTF-8 encodes each character (code point) in 1 to 4 octets (8-bit bytes), with the single octet encoding used only for the 128 US-ASCII characters

I want to print the full byte sequence.

see http://www.tony-franks.co.uk/UTF-8.htm

27th August 2009, 09:29
QByteArray ba("Hello world");
char *data = ba.data();
while (*data) {
cout << "[" << *data << "]" << endl;

27th August 2009, 09:57
QByteArray ba(QString("©").toUtf8());
char *data = ba.data();
while (*data)
qkDebug("[%c]", *data);



This is not the conversion I want.

I expect "[&][#][1][6][9][;]";.

27th August 2009, 10:01
You have used %c, and it will print the character represented by byte. ;) If you want a hexadecimal byte representation of your string. Why dont you use old school printf.

QByteArray ba(QString("©").toUtf8());
char *data = ba.data();
while (*data)
printf("%x", *data);

27th August 2009, 10:07
Thans for the replies,

EDIT: What I want is an UTF8 html encoded string.

27th August 2009, 10:20
I want.
I expect "[&][#][1][6][9][;]";.
If you can theoretically prove it.
I will give you code.
When you want to print a byte sequence, you have to decide the representation. A possible representation is hex. That I already told you how to do that. But your expected result is :

I expect "[&][#][1][6][9][;]";.
I dont know what is it. Can you please tell me whats in side []. a character/hex value/int /or something else.

27th August 2009, 10:21
You want the sgml entity, not a "utf-8 sequence" - there is no such thing.

Qt will not encode sgml entities by itself. You need to do that manually:

QString in;
QString out;
for(int i=0; i<in.size();i++){
QChar c = in[i];
} else out += c;

This is a rough implementation which will not work for multi-octet characters - you need to adjust the if block for that.

27th August 2009, 10:25
Nothing to add,

I missed the point on this one.
Thanks guys.

28th August 2009, 01:17
Here is a first shot of a "toHtmlUtf8" method in my inherited QString class:

QString qkString::toHtmlUtf8() const
QString result;
for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++)
QChar c = at(i);
char ascii = c.toAscii();

if (ascii == ' ')
result += "&nbsp;";
else if (ascii == '\n')
result += "<br>";
else if (ascii < 48 || ascii > 122)
QByteArray bytes = QString(c).toUtf8();

if (bytes.size() == 1)
result += QString("&#%1;").arg(QString::number(bytes.at(0)));
// Insert multi byte code here
else result += "[?]";
else result += c;

return result;

Little help on the FIXME wouldn't hurt.