View Full Version : Background Color of QToolButton or QPushButton

28th August 2009, 12:33
When I changed a QToolButton or QPushButton's background color by using StyleSheet, I lose button effects and they seem like labels.
Do you have any idea, how can I change colors of QToolButton and QPushButton without losing button effects?


28th August 2009, 12:50
You cannot control that. This happens with style sheet. For better results use different background colors for normal, hover, pressed. So it will look better.;)
More info here (http://pepper.troll.no/s60prereleases/doc/stylesheet-examples.html#customizing-a-qpushbutton-using-the-box-model).

28th August 2009, 12:55
That's wired. Can't reproduce your problem. Have you tried QPalette for changing the color?

Edit: you mean the appearance, not the functionality. Of course you get a flat button if you set the color via style sheets. That's the wanted effect. But as said use QPalette.

28th August 2009, 12:58
No, I didn't try QPalette, I'm using StyleSheet for other changes and I want to change everthing in same way.

yogeshgokul, thanks for the link.

That's wired. Can't reproduce your problem. Have you tried QPalette for changing the color?

28th August 2009, 13:01
No, I didn't try QPalette, I'm using StyleSheet for other changes and I want to change everthing in same way.

If so and you want to have a 3d effect on the buttons you have to use images (or use gradients if they fit your needs).

17th June 2010, 11:02
if you want to change the stylesheet only for qtoolbutton u write qApp->setStyleSheet("QToolButton{....css...}")
qtool button inherts qpushbutton so if u want to have different css...1st style the qpushbutton and after the qtoolbutton....it will work..i hope..(sry for my english)