View Full Version : Does Qt Creator understand debug/release scopes in .pro files?

30th August 2009, 17:05
If in a .pro file, I use the following

win32 {
debug {
DESTDIR = ../build_win32/debug
} else {
DESTDIR = ../build_win32/release

Qt Creator will always look for the executable to run/debug in the ../build_win32/release directory, as if the "debug" scope was never active. The same happens removing the outer "win32 { ... }" condition or swapping the inner conditions and using "release" instead. I have tried "debug", "Debug", "DEBUG", "_DEBUG": none seems to be known to Qt Creator.

The build process in itself is correct (the executable ends up in the right directory), but launching the executable with F5, Qt Creator always looks for it in the 'else-d' directory and, of course, while attempting to debug, it finds nothing.

The same is true under Linux (of course replacing or removing the win32 condition!). I'm using Qt Creator 1.2.1 with Qt 4.5.2 32bit under XP SP3 or Ubuntu Jaunty.

Any suggestion would be appreciated.


P.S.: I know that the "Shadow build" option would be a work-around, but I'm attempting to avoid using it as this setting cannot be set independently for each platform.

31st August 2009, 01:13
QtCreator is a bit different than using straight qmake as it defines a "debug_and_release" flag in the CONFIG variable by default. You can query this flag for "debug" or "release" by specifying

CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
#debug code here

or conversely...

CONFIG(release, debug|release) {
#release code here

What I do in my own QtCreator projects is convert the "debug_and_release" flag into the separate "debug" and "release" flags by doing this...

# ensure one "debug_and_release" in CONFIG, for clarity...
debug_and_release {
CONFIG -= debug_and_release
CONFIG += debug_and_release
# ensure one "debug" or "release" in CONFIG so they can be used as
# conditionals instead of writing "CONFIG(debug, debug|release)"...
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
CONFIG -= debug release
CONFIG += debug
CONFIG(release, debug|release) {
CONFIG -= debug release
CONFIG += release

Hope that helps,
~ andy.f

31st August 2009, 13:03
Great, it DOES work!!

Thank you!