View Full Version : Google Maps API and Qt 4 desktop app integration

31st August 2009, 15:29
tHIS is more related to google API then Qt 4
Those of you who have used Google API . cOULD U TELL ME how to integrate Google Maps API in a desktop app and not a web app.

On google web site they are offering the API to integrate it as a web app on your site

I want to create a simple address book with location tracing in Google map window as a Central window in the application, but dont know how to go about

please guide me how to go about

31st August 2009, 15:48
Maybe you can use a QWebView (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/qwebview.html#details).

31st August 2009, 16:33
Go and read blog post about new part of Qt Mobility project: Location API (http://labs.trolltech.com/blogs/2009/08/31/location/). I know that this is not exactly an answer to your question, but there is also a link to repository with sources, so check them out.

31st August 2009, 18:43
May be this post (http://labs.trolltech.com/blogs/2009/07/29/maps-with-a-magnifying-glass/) might be of some use to you :)

3rd September 2009, 18:08
thankyou all guys
just what i needed

4th September 2009, 16:45
How do you draw on your map ? Is-It possible to draw with qpainter on the map ? I have game using qpaint and I want get map in background from google map. is it possible ?

4th September 2009, 19:03
You can override paintEvent of QWebview...
first call base class paintevent... and then do your drawing..