View Full Version : HTTP POST / Proxy Authentication issue

1st September 2009, 00:24
I use QNetworkAccessManager (and its family) for all HTTP access and everything works fine except for the case when the HTTP operation is a POST and a proxy has been set on QNetworkAccessManager (the POST operation works fine when using HTTP GET).

I am simply hitting a servlet that echos back the HTTP Post contents for testing. The proxy server for my tests is the Apache HTTP server configured as a Forward Proxy.

For the POST/proxy case, the proxyAuthenticationRquired signal is fired, and my handler (for this signal) displays a model dialog in order to capture user/passwd. These are immediately used to set the user/passwd members on the QAuthenticator object.

I then return from the handler ... and its off back into the Qt framework. It then just hangs in there (somewhere) until my timer expires (used as a safeguard).

I have tried stepping down (deep) into the framework but I am afraid I need some help on this one.

I have attached a noddy (code example) that should show the problem. Running it without a proxy set, will (should) work. For the problem case, a valid proxy will need to be set. Or the platform's system proxy setting can be used.


18th May 2011, 13:41
Did you ever work out what was happening with this issue? I'm having a very similar problem on 4.7.2 (though for me it actually causes a segmentation fault).

10th August 2011, 09:59
I have same issue. Are you solved this?