View Full Version : QWebFrame evaluateJavaScript

1st September 2009, 23:23
Hi Qt gurus,

I have a performance question.

I'm trying to design a high speed "QWebFrame Html append function":

QString("document.getElementById('%1').innerHTML += '%2'").
arg(QString::number((int) chunk)).

After adding a few lines (1000x) it's getting very slow.

What would be the proper routine for doing that ?

2nd September 2009, 06:15
why do yoy think that it`s "hight speed" method?

If we have 1000x lines to add, may be add 20-30 ines on one page and genegate other page with 20-30 lines, and if user want to see otherpage he press PageDown key and so on.

I donot see reson to add 1000x lines on one page. If reason take place in your project tell about it more.

2nd September 2009, 07:55
Well I need to insert and append HTML using Javascript routines.

And it has to be fast.

Just like what Bespin does : http://vimeo.com/3195079