3rd September 2009, 18:25
Hello out there,
slowly advancing on Qt's learning curve some things already work. However I am using nested layouts and the result looks plain ugly, probably due to the default values for spacing/margins.
Problem no. 1: My central widget is a splitter, and this widget cannot be chosen from within QtDesigner - or can it?
So I am left with creating the layouts at runtime, and this leads to
Question no. 2: Experimenting programmatically with different values for e.g. setContentsMargins() is tedious: Change one value, compile, run, no - doesn't look any better, goto step 1, ...
I wonder: Is there a way one could influence these settings from within the debugger? Then I could set a break point on some signal handler, try out other values and continue.
How do the you, the more experienced developers, handle this?
Oh, in case it matters: This is Qt 4.5.2 on Windows XP.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Best regards
Helmut Giese
slowly advancing on Qt's learning curve some things already work. However I am using nested layouts and the result looks plain ugly, probably due to the default values for spacing/margins.
Problem no. 1: My central widget is a splitter, and this widget cannot be chosen from within QtDesigner - or can it?
So I am left with creating the layouts at runtime, and this leads to
Question no. 2: Experimenting programmatically with different values for e.g. setContentsMargins() is tedious: Change one value, compile, run, no - doesn't look any better, goto step 1, ...
I wonder: Is there a way one could influence these settings from within the debugger? Then I could set a break point on some signal handler, try out other values and continue.
How do the you, the more experienced developers, handle this?
Oh, in case it matters: This is Qt 4.5.2 on Windows XP.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Best regards
Helmut Giese