View Full Version : QT Designer --- Windows Vista Designer.exe Problem

6th September 2009, 18:23
Hello everybody,

I am a newbie who is trying to use the QT creator, I installed the latest version "qt-sdk-win-opensource-2009.03.1". Everything was working fine except for launching the QT Designer .. I don't really know what is the exact problem .. but whenever I try to edit my project visually or even to launch the QT Designer itself, the windows pops up the famous error message in which it mentions "designer.exe has stopped working". I tried to debug with visual studio and the problem was in some steps for calling some DLL functions but I didnt really understand what was going on.

I googled this problem alot but nothing yet :(

I hope somebody has a solution. :)

Thank you in advance

7th September 2009, 12:54
I installed the Visual Studio 2008 add on, but still the same error message when I try to launch the QT Designer for editing the forms and etc.

Thanks in advance.

1st October 2009, 16:26
I've got some simillar problem when using Designer on Windows 7. The problem is that there's just no Designer installed. The downloaded installer didn't even let me choose to install it (tried that). Maybe this is caused by the same issue.