View Full Version : cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes

9th September 2009, 20:33
hi there,

I've got a Qt program which includes a big header file, which should make a
20M executable. However, it fails with the above error. Is there a way let
the compiler make big exes without falling over?

thank you,


9th September 2009, 21:55
You can increase the size of your virtual memory in the system.

14th September 2009, 08:16
Thanks for this,

I've got 2gig actual ram, had about 3gig virt on C:

changed this to having 5gig on d:

now I cant load the project in creator, keeps crashing.

It seems strange that my resulting app will only be about 25meg,
headerfiles only 130meg. Now I've got many times that in memory
and virt mem.

Is there anything in creator I can set? Is there any 'per application'
settings for amount of memory they can use?

I'm using a 2Gig Core2 Duo laptop. Windows XP Professional.

Any help would be appreciated!

thanks again


14th September 2009, 08:27
Oh, another bit of info, might be relevant...

I need to make static executables. So I compiled my own Qt toolchain.
This works fine for applications upto about 10meg.


14th September 2009, 08:35
Creator has nothing to do with it. Your error is related to the compiler, not the IDE.