View Full Version : WYSIWYG html, Window show png icon mac no!

25th May 2006, 08:56
I have build a small WYSIWYG html editor ... 50% designer
http://ciz.ch/svnciz/forms_shop/forms_shop/ui/tab_addo.ui but mac not show png image why? on window i see image..
Image: Shoot http://www.qtforum.de/forum/files/macpng_240.png
i use ArrowType qpuschbutton to better show checkable down button...

svn http://ciz.ch/svnciz/forms_shop/ is /root

How save png to better show on MAC tiger...?

25th May 2006, 09:56
Can we see some code?

25th May 2006, 10:08
svn co http://ciz.ch/svnciz/forms_shop/ tester
cd tester && qmake && make

3MB source

or browser http://ciz.ch/svnciz/forms_shop/forms_shop/

the WYSIWYG wo not display png is http://ciz.ch/svnciz/forms_shop/forms_shop/tab_addo.h

mac not display this pngs http://ciz.ch/svnciz/forms_shop/forms_shop/img/text_editor/

The question is only how to save png to mac tiger Intel/PPC
the same image works on window...

25th May 2006, 10:33
I meant the code which is causing you trouble, not the code of the whole application. Sorry, but I don't intend to read through 3MB of code to look for the problem.

25th May 2006, 10:38
the code wo give trouble is a ui file...
the C++ code result is from qmake.....


get file tab_addo.ui

uic -o ui_tab_addo.h tab_addo.ui
that is the trouble code .... wo not display pngs icon...

25th May 2006, 10:42
<iconset resource="..\res.qrc" >:/img/img/fileopen.png</iconset>
Maybe because of those backslashes? Or maybe simply the path to the resource file is invalid?

25th May 2006, 10:43
the code wo give trouble is a ui file...
the C++ code result is from qmake.....


get file tab_addo.ui

uic -o ui_tab_addo.h tab_addo.ui
that is the trouble code .... wo not display pngs icon...on mac and window show...

if you download and test
svn co http://ciz.ch/svnciz/forms_shop/ tester
cd tester && qmake && make

you dont need qt4 plug-ins... sqlite3 staticlibs is inside!
and config is on bin Destdir make...
by import db you donwload only master table...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<wget xmlns:cms="http://www.pulitzer.ch/2005/PuliCMS/1.0">
<requestfile sqlurl="http://ppk.ciz.ch/qt_c++/db/customers.sql" localname="1sampledata.sql" />
<requestfile sqlurl="http://ppk.ciz.ch/qt_c++/db/customers.sql" localname="2sampledata.sql" />

25th May 2006, 10:54
the resource file is on root..


and uic result write...

my other projekt http://sourceforge.net/projects/qtexcel-xslt/
is the same way and mac display this fake png .... window to
the unique diff this new projekt have 1 sound on resource other no....


25th May 2006, 11:15
qt4 question?
Why on \qt4\demos\textedit\images
have a folder win and other Mac
I take this mac image.... and window display and mac no....
mayby subversion from Window? destroy image?

25th May 2006, 11:43
qt4 question?
Why on \qt4\demos\textedit\images
have a folder win and other Mac
I take this mac image.... and window display and mac no....
mayby subversion from Window? destroy image?

Because Mac uses different styled icons (more "glassy" ones) than Windows. It's just the matter of look&feel.

25th May 2006, 12:01
Ok i solved.....

I boot my debian sarge 2° disk....
svn donload all svn.. 1/2 minute
oben the ui file on linux designer remove all
http://doc.trolltech.com/4.0/qt.html#ArrowType-enum from icon
qmake && make
and now icon is show... I hope now mac can see..... mac & linux is not big diffs....