View Full Version : Deployment platform displays style? differently than development platform-ubuntu 8.04

16th September 2009, 23:19
Development platform with QtCreator displays the application widgets natively as expected and desired. Moving the application over to the deployment platform (same OS, but different hardware), the application defaults to the non-native default Qt style with boxes for buttons, etc.

I'm guessing maybe that I have to implement QGtkStyle, but have no idea how (search results don't really turn up anything). Running the app with "-style gtk" as an argument doesn't change the situation. If QGtkStyle is needed to be implemented, this should maybe be moved to another board. But if so, it's confusing me how it works on one and not the other (both without either having QGtkStyle explicitly implemented).

Edit: Added png attachments of both environments.

7th October 2009, 13:35
Looks like you are missing that ubuntu standard gtk theme on your target hardware installation.

13th October 2009, 14:04
Not entirely sure what did it exactly. I changed my OS to a clean install of 9.04. I downloaded libgtk2.0-dev (<-which seems entirely excessive to need a dev library to me), ran configure, remade the whole library and gtkstyle finally worked.

13th October 2009, 15:31
I've got the same problem, but on Kubuntu 9.04 with KDE 4.3... and when I run the app on super-user mode, the style applies perfectly. Maybe a privileges problem? Some KDE library is missing? I had try searching for a style-devel library of Ozone, but i don't know where start looking...

PD: Sorry for my english :P