View Full Version : How to code this kind of UI?

18th September 2009, 11:32

I'm very new to Qt and I just watched this demo

What is the name of the ui component that the guy flick through (with nice animation just like a jukebox) before bringing up the demo application. I would like to code something like this for window mobile. Is Qt has this ui component? Else anyone has any idea how to do it? I know it's probably using opengl es to do the animation (may be the whole thing is opengl es).


Kind regards,

18th September 2009, 22:52
These examples exist in "examples and demos" of Qt for Embedded Linux (probably also in windows ce version) . You may check out the code there .

21st September 2009, 09:58
Hi yagabey,

I'm referring to the first UI that the guy flicking/swipe through (with some picture/album like control like a jukebox). I'm not really interested in the demo code and I knew I can get the demo code with the sdk :-). Any idea how to do that animation or UI component?

22nd September 2009, 20:07
Well what you are referring to is I guess picture flow demo. You can search for it on Qt Labs... it was made by Ariya Hidayat. in Dojo examples..

There was modified version of the same. You can try it with graphics view,,
the pics are items,, u perform transformations on it with reflections. Reflection can be done with QImage::mirror.

23rd September 2009, 11:31
Hi aamer4yu,

That's what I'm looking for, picture flow it is. I will look into Dojo example. Thanks.

Kind regards,